Raise funds online fast and easily

Create a personal or charity fundraiser and receive donations automatically.
Your first $1,000 raised is free.

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Simple pricing. Receive funds immediately.

Your first $1,000 raised is free. After that, we only charge 5% for each donation.

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Full of features for you to raise the most funds

Campaign Page

Your campaign will have its own page that continuously receives donations. Your donors can donate directly on it, and everything is reported in real time.

Your campaign page will have tons of other features to help you fundraise most effectively:

  • Unique web address
  • Public list of donors
  • Anonymous donations
  • Flexible fundraising goal
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Direct online donations

Everyone can immediately donate with their credit card, debit card, or PayPal. Directly on your campaign page.

You have access to the funds right away after each donation. People can follow your campaign's progress with you.

Never before has fundraising been so easy!

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PayPal Support

All you need is a PayPal account. Donations will go directly to this account and are instantly available.

It's the most secure and fast payment system in the world. Plus, it's very easy to create a PayPal account if you don't have one already.

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Social Power

Facebook Comments: Your donors can comment directly on your Campaign with their Facebook account, no need to register. You can manage them and their comments too.

Let everyone spread your campaign wide by using the powerful rapid Social Sharing tool we offer.

  • Facebook sharing
  • Facebook like
  • Twitter sharing
  • Direct link sharing on Facebook pages and Messenger, with preview powered by Open Graph standard
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Join now and start fundraising today!

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